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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Linux Containers - Building Blocks, Underpinnings and Motivations

I firmly believe Linux Containers (LXC) are poised to be the next Virtual Machine in our modern computing era. Consider:

  • Linux Containers run at near bare metal speeds.
  • LXC operations (start, stop, spawn) execute very quickly (seconds or milliseconds).
  • Containers provide nearly the same agility as traditional VMs.
  • They can be deployed with very little per container (VM) penalty.
  • Linux Containers are lightweight -- they can virtualize a system (Operating System) or one or more applications.
  • LXC can be realized with features provided by a modern Linux kernel.

More details on how containers are realized and some of their benefits can be found in my slide share presentation embedded below.

I will be speaking about Linux Containers at the 2014 cloudexpo east conference in NYC -- I hope you can join me to talk LXC. Please contact me for free access to the conference.